Organizational plan recommendations
- About the regulations holding meetings
- P.S.
(Material taken from the site)
Dealing with conflict during a game scenario meeting often becomes more manageable., если удаётся принять общий регламент. Для облегчения работы над проектом регламента можно использовать в качестве исходной заготовки следующую распространённую meeting pattern:
- introduction total duration up to 5 minutes, which states the general rules of the meeting, its mode, estimated end time.
- keynote address up to 30 minutes (if at the meeting diametrically opposite positions of the conflicting parties are taken out, then everyone should be given equal time to present their views, but desirable, so that in total it does not exceed 30 minutes, - otherwise, as a result of natural fatigue, the audience simply becomes inattentive);
- questions for speakers and their answers (every question and answer - no more 2 minutes);
- speeches by co-rapporteurs, additional messages (no more 10-15 minutes for all speakers with additional messages due to reasons, noted in paragraph 2);
- questions to co-rapporteurs (no more 1 minutes for each question and answer);
- speeches of the meeting participants(5-7 minutes);
- speakers' answers (no more 5 minutes each);
- answers from co-rapporteurs (no more 3 minutes each);
- help during the meeting (there should be no more than three to five, so as not to distract attention from the main topic and not to create a feeling of weak preliminary preparation for the meeting; one certificate should be allocated no more than 3 minutes);
- reading the draft decision of the meeting (no more 5 minutes);
- proposal for a draft decision (no more 1-3 minutes for each);
- summing up the meeting (no more 10 minutes).
- Choice of methods for fixing the meeting (Audio recording, Video recording, and other types of fixations?)
Обычно при наличии 50-75 it is considered optimal for participants to take breaks for 10 minutes every hour. With a larger number of participants, it is advisable to take a break after 1,5-2 hours of work and make it last 15-20 minutes.
- Election of the chairman and secretary of the meeting
- Adoption of the rules of the meeting
- Adoption of the meeting agenda
3.1 ……..
3.2 ……..
3.n. ……..
Chairman of meeting FULL NAME
Секретарь собрания FULL NAME