OSBB K40b:


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Governance structures and control of condominiums
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1.Administration President of Ukraine: 2.Cabinet ministers of Ukraine: 3.CMR, KMDA; 4. Svyatoshinskaya RDA..

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Balance holder Houses
1.General meeting; 2.Governing body; 3. Chairman board; 4. Audit committee; 5 – House residents

1. Management and content apartment building; 2.Electricity supply; 3. Cold water: 4. Drainage; 5. Heating; 6. Hot water; 7. Gas consumption; 8. Gas delivery; 9. Maintenance of residential gas equipment.

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  4. About problems at home K40b
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  6. About the order of registration, financing preferential provision of all types of utility services

u1-Monitoring Management

Государство Украина Нормативно правовые акты


(Политическая сфера управлениямногоквартирным домом)

1. b168u254-1128061996_ Конституція України

1.1.- ст.1 Україна є суверенна і незалежна, демократична, соціальна, правова держава.

1.2.- Article 3 Людина, її життя і здоров’я, честь і гідність, недоторканність і безпека визнаються в Україні найвищою соціальною цінністю.

1.3.- Article 6 Державна влада в Україні здійснюється на засадах її поділу на законодавчу, виконавчу та судову.

Органи законодавчої, виконавчої та судової влади здійснюють свої повноваження у встановлених цією Конституцією межах і відповідно до законів України.

1.4.- .Article 8 В Україні визнається і діє принцип верховенства права.

1.5.- ст.68 Кожен зобов’язаний неухильно додержуватися Конституції України та законів України, не посягати на права і свободи, честь і гідність інших людей.

2. b168u435-416012023_Цивільний кодекс України

2.1.- Article 4 Акти цивільного законодавства України

2.2.- ст.270ст.273ст.276

Article 273. Забезпечення здійснення особистих немайнових прав

Органи державної влади, органи влади Автономної Республіки Крим, органи місцевого самоврядування у межах своїх повноважень забезпечують здійснення фізичною особою особистих немайнових прав.

Юридичні особи, їх працівники, окремі фізичні особи, професійні обов’язки яких стосуються особистих немайнових прав фізичної особи, зобов’язані утримуватися від дій, якими ці права можуть бути порушені.

Діяльність фізичних та юридичних осіб не може порушувати особисті немайнові права.

3. b168u5464-10-30061983_Житловий кодекс України

3.1.- Ст.ст.47, 48, 49, 50

3.1.1.- КМУ Положення № 472

4. b168u796-12-28021991_ЗУ Про статус і соціальний захист громадян, які постраждали внаслідок Чорнобильської катастрофи

4.1.- П.10, Article 20, ст.71

5. b168u3551-12_22101993_ZU About the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection

5.1.- Ст.13 Пільги особам з інвалідністю внаслідок війни

6. b168u2671-817012019_ЗУ Про соціальні послуги

7. b168u2189-809112017_About housing and communal services

8. b168u2866-329112001_ЗУ об’єднання співвласників багатоквартирного будинку

8.1.- Типового статуту ОСББ

9. Основабез аварийности и обеспечения

установленного срока эксплуатации многоквартирного (одноквартирного) Houses

9.1.- PPRПланово предупредительный ремонт

9.2.- Смета затрат на содержания дома и придомовой территории

Субъекты и Объекты управления ОСМД

  • 1- Цель создание ОСМД
  • 1.1- General meeting
  • 1.2- About the regulations holding a meeting
  • 2- Governing body
  • 2.1- Функциональные обязанности членов правления
  • 2.2- Coefficient of professional suitability and ethical and moral education
  • 3- Chairman of the Board
  • 3.1- Functional duties of the chairman of the board
  • 3.2- Coefficient of professional suitability and ethical and moral education
  • 4- Audit committee
  • 4.1- Functional duties of the audit commission
  • 4.2- Coefficient of professional suitability and ethical and moral education
  • 5- Объекты управления в многоквартирном доме и его придомовой территории
  • 5.1- Operation of common building systems
  • 5.2-Тепло пункта и внутридомовые системы
  • 5.2.1- Heat energy (heating)
  • 5.2.2- Hot water
  • 5.2.3- cold water
  • 5.3- Household power supply systems
  • 5.4- Domestic sewerage systems
  • 5.5- Indoor ventilation systems
  • 5.6- Elevators
  • 6- Cleaning inside common areas
  • 7- Уборка придомовой территории и крыши дома
  • 8- Waste removal
  • 9- Monitoring compliance with sanitary standards
  • 9.1- Дератизации
  • 9.2- Дезинсекции
  • 9.3- Предотвращения Шума, Пыли, Грибка
  • 10- Соблюдение противопожарных норм
  • 11- Мониторинга деятельности ОСМД
  • 11.1- Утвержденных тарифов м2 квартирной платы 1090121, 1090221
  • 11.2- Претензии председателю правления z22.02.21осбб-к40б
  • 11.3- Публичной дискуссии – Viber14.01.21, 19.01.21,
  • 11.4- Подачи горячей водой
  • 11.5- Подачи теплоэнергии (heating)
  • 11.6- Установленных санитарных норм
  • 11.7- Выполнения решений общего собрания (о демонтаже Всесезонной площадки размещенной под окнами кв.4)
  • 11.8Обращения членов ОСМД к уставным органам
  • 11.9Реорганизация консьержа в диспетчера в 2017г.


OSBB is created with the aim self-government apartment building Is the coordinated activity of homeowners to create and maintain favorable and safe living conditions in this house, which should ensure the proper maintenance of common property, solution of issues related to the use of the specified property, as well as the normal legal management of an apartment building, путём самоорганизации управления коллективным имуществом, его основу составляет legal awareness of the inhabitants of the house, при котором обеспечивается организация самоуправления конечным результатом которого обеспечивается работоспособность дома на протяжении установленного проектом срока его эксплуатации, incl.. provision of services of the established quality and quantity during this period.

To this end, co-owners living in the house are required to decide – готовы ли совладельцы самостоятельно управлять своим имуществом в соответствии с нормами установленными законадательством, or are only ready to exercise effective control over the professional предоставлением услуг.

Anyway, residents of an apartment building should not be indifferent and remember, that in the event that the co-owners of the apartment building did not independently decide on the form of management of the apartment building, or have already chosen the form of home management, but at the same time, legal norms related to the operation of the house are violated, including the norms for the provision of services for their established number, quality, procedure for approval of tariffs and their payment, таким домом управление должно осуществляться управляющим, appointed to certain period на конкурсных началах исполнительным органом местного совета, on the territory of which the apartment building is located, this is necessary in order to establish a legal order related to the preservation of the housing stock, through – “Preventive maintenance plans (PPR), readiness to carry out medium and major repairs on time, while respecting the rights of owners, a separate part of it, each owner separately, также это необходимо для понимания совладельцам порядка организации и выполнения на практике организации нормального управления жилищным фондом в соответствии с законодательством установленным в государстве.


Appeal kv.4 in UZN Svyatoshinsky district о предоставления информации о начислении

Management праці та соціального захисту population of Sviatoshynskyi district in. Kyiv State Administration

Ruszn08 @ kmda.gov.ua

Varivoda Anatoliy Yosypovych

War invalid 1B group, by support

musculoskeletal system

03164 m. Kiev, street. Claudius. буд.№40Б, sq. №4

tel. 097……………..

e-mail v……………………..


Please provide information on the calculation of the amount of benefits for housing and communal services, for all services established by law for a war invalid, мешкаю в багатоквартирному будинку.

The mechanism of payment of the benefit of the calculated amount of the benefit shall be made in non-cash form established before this application., by transferring funds to the account of the Ministry of Social Policy in Oschadbank JSC on the basis of an agreement concluded between the Ministry of Social Policy and Oschadbank JSC (further – account for the payment of benefits).

16.01.2021p. Підпис AND. Varivoda


The answer of the UZN Svyatoshinsky district


Установденная цена услуги и способ ее оплаты по методике пред. of the OSMD K40b Melnik AG.


Receipt for № 10912020 for december 2020 r.


Receipt No. 109012021 for january 2021 r.


О порядке определения стоимости услуги и их оплата в соответствии с НПА Украины

Viber debate on tariffs for housing and communal services provided by OSBB and their procedure established in the state legal regulation.


The order that the Chairman of the Board Melnyk O is trying to establish.D.


(published in the original language)

1 ППмаг

ADVERTISEMENT. ALL beneficiaries must transfer the receipt of compensation for benefits to a bank card. ACMH with 01 January will not accrue benefits for contributions to the adjacent territory.

In accordance with the legislation, all benefits are subject to monetization. Ministries and institutions of social protection do not reimburse condominiums part of the contribution in accordance with the benefits.

Regarding beneficiaries, who receive 100% benefits for housing and communal services. The beneficiary receives the entire amount of benefits from the state to his personal account in the Sberbank of Ukraine, which the state has opened for each beneficiary.

To switch to receiving benefits on a bank card, it is necessary to write a note to the Department of Social Protectionin



(published in the original language)

2 ППмаг


We are the beneficiaries of OSBB by appointment in the state register of legal entities. pers. Owners of apartments and built-in premises do not provide services, and manage the house, where management is carried out through condominiums. Therefore, condominiums in terms of house management is a non-profit organization. By law, every apartment owner in an apartment building is obliged to pay for utilities. These services are provided to us by enterprises or individuals on the basis of a business or employment contract, making a profit.
In this case, a violation of the law, which obliges to pay utility bills. The contract for the provision of services for the maintenance of the house and adjacent territory with each apartment owner is not required, because ACMHs act on behalf of the owners.


Appeal kv4, буд.40в, to PPmag and response to the appeal




3 i4 (npv)

head of the osbb. In 4Q. again wet ceiling in the bathroom , in the same place ,as last time. Please eliminate the cause of the flood today, not like last time ,через 3дня и составить акт с указанием виновника затопления.




4 ППмаг

4 apartment wrote, what tariff they want 6.25 UAH. This amount does not include repairs at the expense of condominiums. Eliminate the advice on your own. You still do not pay contributions.



5 i4 (npv)

Відповідь кв.4

A1 – ZU “About the status of war veterans, guarantees of their social protection”, According to item 4, articles 13 – "Benefits for people with disabilities as a result of the war" - established:
4) 100-interest discount on housing fees (rent) within the norms, provided by the current legislation (21 sq. meter of total living space per person, who permanently resides in a dwelling (at home) and is entitled to a discount, and additionally 10,5 sq. meters per family).

A2 – Law "On the association of co-owners of an apartment building". According to para. the penultimate, para. the last, article 22 - "Ensuring the association of maintenance and operation of an apartment building, use of common property in such a house " – installed:
1- Paragraph. penultimate) In order to provide the population, living in apartment buildings, in which the association is created, benefits and subsidies to reimburse the costs of managing an apartment building contributions and payments are determined in the amount, approved by the general meeting of the association, but not more than the statutory limit of the relevant costs;
A4 – Paragraph. last) In order to provide the population, living in apartment buildings, in which the association is created, benefits and subsidies to reimburse the cost of utilities is determined by the amount of contributions (payments) for appropriate needs, approved by the general meeting of the association, but not more than the highest tariff for the relevant utilities in the respective settlement, establishedP by the relevant state body or local self-government body for business entities.

A5P.9 Resolutions of the CMU from 17 April 2019 p. № 373. According to the "Mechanism of payment of benefits" and the order "Payment of benefits in cash non-cash form"
1- Privilege payment mechanism) Oschadbank JSC transfers funds to the accounts of managers, associations, utilities on the basis of contracts, concluded between Oschadbank JSC (its institutions) and managers, associations, utilities. Such agreements determine the procedure for information exchange between managers, associations, utilities and Oschadbank JSC. The standard form of the agreement is determined by Oschadbank JSC in agreement with the Ministry of Social Policy;
2- If the manager, association, utility service provider did not enter into an agreement with Oschadbank JSC (its institutions) to transfer the amount of benefits, he to 1 June has no right to demand payment for services (contributions / payments) from beneficiaries for the respective non-heating and heating periods;

6 ППмаг

So what? Call a plumber and read him the rule of law. Go to the store, read there the rule of law, let the sausages be given to you within the prescribed limits.
You have completely left the shores. We have approved the tariff by the general meeting 9.50, and in 2020. was 8.50. Here is this amount on 70% covers the costs of operation and repair of equipment of the heating station and water pumping station, salary to the janitor, house cleaners, dispatcher salaries, electricity + garbage removal and electricity, and water.
This tariff does not cover the elimination of violations of fire safety requirements, repair of premises, accountant's salary, heat engineering, plumbing, repairman.
And in general, you will stand out only at the expense of large apartments, who pay for 1500.00 UAH. Here at the expense of apartments of the big area you also write paragraphs from the laws of Ukraine. You yourself do not understand how these laws should be interpreted.
I STAY. Who in 4 war veteran apartments? You really want to, for condominiums to find out?
ACMHs will not open a council account 2 apartments and pay UAH 100 each month for account maintenance in Oschadbank. You can write an application to the Department of Social Protection and transfer benefits to a bank card and pay contributions in full.
This is not difficult to do.

7 i4

Melnyk last paragraph of Article 22 of the Law "On the association of co-owners of an apartment building". it is established to whom you need to address that to you transferred the tariff approved by you – tariffs for relevant utilities, are established by the relevant state body or local government body for business entities.
It's hard for you to do it by working two jobs, As for the verification, the authorized bodies will do it for you, do not judge everyone by yourself and your own kind.

8 PP k40a

No local government OSBB sets tariffs. The size of the contribution to the OSBB is determined only and exclusively by the co-owners at the general meeting 66.6% of votes “for”.

PP k40a не тільки не знає норм Закону, вона неспроможна прочитати написаного 5 i4 c a3a4

9 Subject 9

Indicate in the Law – who should do maintenance and at what prices, so that your tariff is enough. How to maintain a house, so that it does not fall apart ahead of time? You are welcome, do not write extracts from laws. We all know them.

Subject 9

        • The subject paradox 9 – first writes –Indicate in the Law “, а в заключенииdo not write extracts from the Laws“, subject 9 not only does not know the Laws, but cannot even read and comprehend the norm established in them.

As for the subject's questions 9, then the answer to them can be found from the hover documentation below, if a of course эта документация разработана ППмаг и подобранным им правлением в этом доме

        • Charts: PPR, medium and capital repairs, based on the established service life of the house and its systems;
        • Estimates: which contains specific – time, amounts for the performance of work established by schedules, а також даты и розмеры использования денежных средств заложенных в сметах;
        • To have enough tariff установленного Законом для оплаты установленых льгот субъекта 5 i4 a1: It is necessary for PPmag to draw up an agreement with OSCHADBANK, как это сделали все остальные исполнители коммунальных услуг и без проблем вовремя их получают. If the funds established by the Law to compensate for the costs established for 5 i4 a1 в доме 40б недостаточно, with the correct organization of management, then PPmag and the board of OSBB K40b are obliged to carry out a business case using schedules and estimates to show, that the tariff does not cover the costs for the maintenance of the house 40b, apply with this justification to structures entitled to approve tariffs, they are ukanny 5 i4 c 4and,
        • So that the house does not fall apart ahead of time: Нужно было не принимать на балансм дом 40б с неоконченными и некачественными работами застройщика ТОВ “CDC-1”, incl.. from his family clan TOV “Gartinvest”, or, in extreme cases, indicate all the deficiencies in the House Acceptance Act on the balance sheet, indicating the timing of their elimination or, in extreme cases, compensation in cash, and most importantly, follow the above schedules;

10 ППмаг

The thing is, that these articles of the law regulate relations in terms of the formation for compensation of payment for benefits for different benefit categories. These articles of the Jacques regulate the tariff setting., where tariff norms are established, above which there is no reimbursement of payments for utilities for beneficiaries. In practice, these articles of the dacon apply to service organizations., which are offered for compensation under the benefits of sumi based on the tariff above the established by the state norms.
But these norms do not take into account the formation of the tariff for electricity supply, water supply, fire safety.
Danny our bags consulted the Secret, found the text of the law, who were dear to their hearts and drove the swans.
But, my friends didn’t take it into account, that their so-called. they decided to shift the benefits to other bags. Still not enough for them, what the power compensates them 100%, they still don't want to issue. Want, so that the OSBB ran, and they still issued benefits for.
We 14 apartments from 18 immediately applied for benefits on the card. And further. We have ONLY ONE INVALID OF WAR in our house. And this person does not live in 4 apartment.
Here is a real disabled person who was among the first to register his benefits on a card and receives a sum of compensation from the state in accordance with the norms of the law..
And the power does not compensate these gorlopanam 100%, so they decided to make a fuss, so that condominiums do not issue bills to them.
Let the check of the prosecutor's office or the ministry go. First of all, we will require all the information on the benefits for these our bags. Date of granting the status of a war invalid, foundations, other.
Пусть идут проверять.

11 i37а

This will be very correct. Let the check establish in what war the citizen-writer received a mutilation of the legs and a war invalid of the first group I am not afraid for myself. It is high time for the state to do this

12 i4

Melnyk last paragraph of Article 22 of the Law "On the association of co-owners of an apartment building". it is established to whom you need to address that to you transferred the tariff approved by you – tariffs for relevant utilities, are established by the relevant state body or local government body for business entities.
It's hard for you to do it by working two jobs, As for the verification, the authorized bodies will do it for you, do not judge everyone by yourself and your own kind.

13 i37а

And not alone. They are friends with your smart guys. It's a pity ,that people are going crazy in this way. Soon they will open the exclusion zone in Chernobyl and all of them would go there. Let them live.


then beneficiaries need to allocate apartments in houses, where the state will pay for everything. And in houses with a small area who should pay for them?


How so, live in the same house and shit like that. These are not people, but morons


Alexander will answer your soapless speech, also right away, all year, I and other tenants paid your salary and in this regard, we hope that the head of the osbb understands where and what to spend money on! In this regard, questions arose ( to which there is still no answer)
1. where so much electricity is consumed? (10400 sq.)
2. was an account opened with oschadbank to receive compensation for benefits. ( last year ) You stated this at the last meeting..
3. And the question of drawing up documents and estimates, why there are a lot of mistakes and misunderstandings in them?
“Blunt with your foot” and I do not intend to ask rhetorical questions as well as to read an essay in response to how we spent a year, too. There are numbers and let's appeal with them.
I did not suggest breaking the law, but proposed to divide the tariff per square meter and the payment of the concierge, just in the payment in a separate line.
I can give you an answer in which the tariff is lower and the service is at a decent level.
P.S.. – for a year the issue of power surges was not resolved. The problem is in our networks or …???

17 ППмаг

V seriously think so, as you write?
I will give you one answer to all questions at once. Do not vote for 9.50.
You can stay with 7.50.
And you will walk on 9 floor.
Why do the pumps pump so much, how much do they pump, you can ask the pumps. You can also ask: Pumps, why do you have to work around the clock, and you break everyone 4 months, why is it vi so not according to our calculations?. Well work, how do we want to do business, otherwise we'll stamp our feet.
And you lift, why is it vi broke on 18 thousand. UAH. first time since 2012 of the year. Why do you break at all, although this is not how things are done. Well, do not break.
And you heating, why me, who live on 9 Also, you always come to us and we are warm, why do we have to pay for that, so that you still have to get to 2 floor and return. So after all we do not envisage doing business.
And let's also stamp our feet and throw a snowball in Kiivenergo. So after all, things are not done, we will show you, How do you send us such electricity bills?. Which, rave, so they don't do business….
That's not all.
I understand, that emotions are off scale.
Но у нас соблюдаеться елементарная справедливость по использованию средств дома.

We bought a good scraper on Saturday, Finnish for snow removal. 1000 UAH. I probably won't like it either, but it is on wheels and it is easy to remove the snow.
This is why the tariff is offered, so that your children too, when they grow up and go home from school, Nina met them at the entrance of the house with candy, and even stopped the guests, not a bum.
And further, to the account of the concierge. Everything here is formalized according to the law of Ukraine. It's amazing to read from you a proposal on violation of the law of Ukraine.
In other houses, the organization of work in which you are probably fascinated and who still collect money, maybe it's all right too, but that's hardly.
So like it or not, but the laws of Ukraine must be observed, but about too high a tariff, then the minimum tariff in houses with their own heating point in Kiev 15 UAH sq.m..
And you can check.


ZU About housing and communal services

Housing and communal services – the result of economic activity, aimed at providing living conditions and stay of persons in residential and non-residential premises, houses and buildings, complexes of buildings and structures in accordance with regulations, norms, standards, procedures and rules;

Article 19. Participants in contractual relations in the field of housing and communal services

        1. Relations between the parties to contractual relations in the field of housing and communal services are carried out exclusively on a contractual basis.
        2. Participants in relations in the field of housing and communal services are: owner, consumer, performer, producer.
        3. The service provider may be the service provider.
        4. The provider of district heating services and district hot water supply services for facilities of all forms of ownership is a business entity for the supply of thermal energy. (heat supply organization).

{Article 19 доповнено новою частиною згідно із Законом № 1198-VII from 10.04.2014}

        1. Provider of services for centralized cold water supply and drainage services (using indoor systems) for objects of all forms of ownership there is a business entity, conducting economic activities for centralized water supply and sewerage.

{Article 19 доповнено новою частиною згідно із Законом № 1198-VII from 10.04.2014}

        1. Special participants in the relations in the field of housing and communal services are the balance holder and the manager, which, depending on civil law agreements, can be a consumer, performer or manufacturer.

Supreme Court, 1st instance court

Explanation of NPA of Ukraine violated by ACMH K40b

Питання самостійного забезпечення об’єднанням експлуатації та утримання багатоквартирного будинку та користування спільним майном у такому будинку регулюються Economic Code of Ukraine в частині господарчого забезпечення діяльності non-managers суobjectin.

Self-sufficiency in the maintenance and operation of an apartment building, the use of common property in an apartment building can be carried out directly by the co-owners, as well as by involving individuals and legal entities on the basis of concluded agreements.

Gas- and electricity supply of apartments and non-residential premises is carried out on the basis of agreements between their owners and gas- and power supply organizations in accordance with the requirements of the legislation.

Contracts with the manager are concluded by the association in accordance with the law.

To finance the self-sufficiency of the association, the co-owners pay the appropriate contributions and payments in the amount, established by the general meeting of the association. With the consent of the board, individual co-owners may perform certain works at the expense of payment of such contributions and payments..

The association pays for hot and cold water, thermal and electric energy, natural gas, utilities at prices (tariffs), established for the population, except for some such services, paid by the owners of non-residential premises.

In order to provide the population, living in apartment buildings, in which the association is created, benefits and subsidies to reimburse the costs of managing an apartment building contributions and payments are determined in the amount, approved by the general meeting of the association, but not more than the statutory limit of the relevant costs.

In order to provide the population, living in apartment buildings, in which the association is created, benefits and subsidies to reimburse the cost of utilities is determined by the amount of contributions (payments) for appropriate needs, approved by the general meeting of the association, but not more than the highest tariff for the relevant utilities in the respective settlement, встановленого відповідним державним органом або органом місцевого самоврядування для subjects господарювання.


u1-Home maintenance service

u1 – Suppliers and consumers housing and communal services installed Article 5 ZU CCP

Monitoring of home and yard management services ( kv.4, building 40b, family living in a privileged category)

Explanations under item 1, item 5, clause 6, п.11 ниже предоставленной сметы затрат на управление домом 40б и придомовой территорией с объективной оценкой услуги по факту ее предоставления жителям кв.4.

Сумма затрат по п.1 будет оплачиваться кв.4 после демонтажа Летней всесезонной площадки (LVP) на которой гражданин Визетиу А.Т. (does not live in house 40b) alcoholic beverages are sold and services for their use are provided. ЛВС пристроена 2015г. by agreement, разрешению КМР, KMDA, СРДА и Управителя домом 40б, it is attached close to the wall of the house 40b, to the windows of sq. 4,(in which a person with a disability lives), with the destruction of the flower bed, elimination of passage for wheelchair users, перекрыт пандуса для передвижения. Because of the noise of alcoholics and schizophrenics, drinking alcohol on a LAN, sorting things out, smoking tobacco products and hookahs, it is impossible to be in quarter 4 without damage to the health of a disabled person, the apartment cannot be ventilated, in addition to maintenance-free ventilation of the house, в кв.4 по периметру потолка появился грибок.

Сумма затрат по п.5 будет оплачиваться кв.4 после ……..























9-10 floor:


2To 2 13 24 35 46 57 68 79
3To 3 14 25 36 47 58 69 80
4To 105 N / F 4 15 26 37 48 59 70 81?
4White 104 N / F 4and 15and 26and 37and 48and 59and 70and 82?
5To 103 N / F 5 16 27 38 49 60 71 83
6To 102 N / F 6 17 28 39 50 61 72 84
7To 101 N / F 7 18 29 40 51 62 73 85
8To 102 N / F 8 19 30 41 52 63 74 86
9To 101 N / F 9 20 31 42 53 64 75 87
10To 10 21 32 43 54 65 76 89
11To 11 22 33 44 55 66 77 90


Будинку 40б по вулиці Клавдіївській, m. Kiev

Appeals to eliminate deficiencies in the provision utilities

January 2019 February 2019 March 2019 April 2019 травень 2019 June 2019
July 2019 August 2019 September 2019 October 2019 November 2019 December 2019
Suggestions and comments of the residents of the house

щодо управління будинком по вулиці Клавдіївській 40б

Person 1 Person 21 Person 41 Person 61 Person 82 Person 104
Person 2 Person 22 Person 42 Person 62 Person 83 Person 105
Person 3 Person 23 Person 43 Person 63 Person 84
Person 4 Person 24 Person 44 Person 64 Person 85
Person 4a Person 25 Person 45 Person 65 Person 86
Person 5 Person 26 Person 46 Person 66 Person 87
Person 6 Person 26a Person 47 Person 67 Person 88
Person 7 Person 27 Person 48 Person 68 Person 89
Person 8 Person 28 Person 48a Person 69 Person 90
Person 9 Person 29 Person 49 Person 70 Person 91
Person 10 Person 30 Person 50 Person 70a Person 92
Person 11 Person 31 Person 51 Person 71 Person 93
Person 12 Person 32 Person 52 Person 72 Person 94
Person 13 Person 33 Person 53 Person 73 Person 95
Person 14 Person 34 Person 54 Person 74 Person 96
Person 15 Person 35 Person 55 Person 75 Person 97
Person 15a Person 36 Person 56 Person 76 Person 98
Person 16 Person 37 Person 57 Person 77 Person 99
Person 17 Person 37a Person 58 Person 78 Person 100
Person 18 Person 38 Person 59 Person 79 Person 101
Person 19 Person 39 Person 59a Person 80 Person 102
Person 20 Person 40 Person 60 Person 81 Person 103

The cells are colored інвалід війни , – disabled LPA Chernobyl, ………


1. The law and its implementation in the management of building 40b

1.1. Norms of the Law and the actual state of provision of communal services

1.1.1. About providing services with опалення будинку Опалюваний температурний графік Облік наданої послуги по опаленню

1.1.2. Про постачання холодної води та водовідведення The appeal is repeated to the head of the CMR and the Kyiv City State Administration dated February 22, 2019.( в тому числі перше звернення від 27.12.2018р.- Додаток 2 до повторного звернення) Response to the appeal from 12/27/2018. Відповідь на друге звернення (expected)

1.3. Про порушення прав мешканців квартир, власниками нежитлових кімнат

1.3.1. Порушення прав мешканців кв.4 власником нижитлової кімнати №105

2. About the condition of the house, buildings and adjacent territory