u7-Hot water supply

u7 – Hot water supply

















9-10 floor:


1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78
2 13 24 35 46 57 68 79
3 14 25 36 47 58 69 80
105 N / F


104 N / F

4 15 26 37 48 59 70 81
4and 15and 26and 37and 48and 59and 70and 82
5 16 27 38 49 60 71 83
103 N / F 6 17 28 39 50 61 72 84
102 N / F 7 18 29 40 51 62 73 85

101 N / F

8 19 30 41 52 63 74 86
9 20 31 42 53 64 75 87
10 21 32 43 54 65 76 89
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 90



u8-Поствка холодной воды

u8 – Cold water supply

















9-10 floor:


1 12 23 34 45 56 67 78
2 13 24 35 46 57 68 79
3 14 25 36 47 58 69 80
105 N / F


104 N / F

4 15 26 37 48 59 70 81
4and 15and 26and 37and 48and 59and 70and 82
5 16 27 38 49 60 71 83
103 N / F 6 17 28 39 50 61 72 84
102 N / F 7 18 29 40 51 62 73 85

101 N / F

8 19 30 41 52 63 74 86
9 20 31 42 53 64 75 87
10 21 32 43 54 65 76 89
11 22 33 44 55 66 77 90



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u7-More information

System – Hot water supply, (GVS):


Краткое описание устройства систем ГВС и их функционирования

Hot water supply system (GVS) - a set of devices, providing the heating of cold water and its distribution among the taps. Системы ГВС subdivided into centralized and local (decentralized).

In centralized systems one heating unit in a boiler room or centralized heating points (CTP) serves hot water to one or several large buildings within a residential area, quarter or village. All centralized DHW systems design with circulation pipelines to provide consumers with hot water, since without them, in the absence of water intake, the water in the supply lines cools down quickly, and the consumer is forced to drain it into the sewer, while losing water and heat.

Что касается управления ГВС в доме К40б, conclusions follow from the publications of this lord

(The proposal of this ruler is tantamount to pouring banknotes into the sewer.), when the temperature of hot water at the point of parsing due to the fault of this ruler does not correspond to the established norm 50-60 city. C for closed heating systems, которое установлено в доме 40б. Moreover, heated towel rails are installed in hot water supply systems, which are necessary for drying clothes and heating bathrooms, including. to improve the performance of the ventilation system, которая не может работать нормально при absence of temperature and pressure in the DHW circuit, when positive temperature of the outside atmospheric air is higher than the temperature of the combined bathroom of the apartment (the norm for which 26 city. FROM), вентиляция работает наоборот.

Circulation pipes and circulation pumps create a continuous movement of water (circulation) closed loop heat exchanger - supply pipe - water tap - circulation pipe - heat exchanger, maintaining the temperature of hot water at the tap 50-60 city. FROM. At this temperature, most disease-causing bacteria, contained in water, dies (pasteurization effect), edible fats, oils and household dirt are well emulsifiedI - dissolve in water and are washed off with a stream of it when washing dishes and washing clothes.

Based on the concept of the good of civilization, which is the presence of DHW, on the other hand, in the absence of normal operation, in which this benefit turns into a sanitary and epidemiological disaster consumers, so для его предотвращения в государстве установлены, контролируются и утверждены в рамках Закона

Sanitary rules for the construction and operation of centralized hot water supply systems



1.7. Температура горячей воды в местах водоразбора независимо
от применяемой системы теплоснабжения должна быть не ниже
60 city. With and without 75 city. FROM.

(In the house 40b, st. Klavdievskaya, r. Kiev DHW is carried out by a closed heat supply system, carried out through the common heating point of houses 40b and 40a along separate closed circuits for each house )

Note. For hot water supply systems made of galvanized
труб при закрытой системе теплоснабжения допускается иметь
water temperature not lower 50 city. С и не выше 60 city. FROM. In these
conditions after repair work or elimination of emergency
ситуаций в системах необходимо поддерживать температуру на уровне
75 city. From within 48 hours.

(Temperature 75 city. From and time during 48 hours installed with purpose disinfection of the DHW system. At 50-75city. C most disease-causing bacteria, contained in water, dies (pasteurization effect), edible fats, oils and household dirt are well emulsified - they dissolve in water and are washed off with a stream of it when washing dishes and washing clothes).


4.4. В период ежегодных профилактических ремонтов отключение
систем горячего водоснабжения не должно превышать 15 days. On
период ремонта объекты повышенной эпидемической значимости
(предприятия общественного питания, пищевой промышленности,
детские дошкольные и школьные, а также лечебно-профилактические
institutions) подлежат обеспечению горячей водой от других
теплоисточников или от других тепломагистралей, а при отсутствии
such an opportunity from our own backup sources.

(Based on scientific statistics – cause, accelerated pipe corrosion, including galvanized, применяемых для ГВС, является отключения и отсутствие установленной скорости и давления в закрытых контурах.)


Систему «Горячего водо снабжение» (GVS) на гидравлические испытания отключили 12.07.2021г. passed the norm 14 days, ГВС не подключено на дату их окончания 27.07.2021г.. DHW is also not connected as of 02.08.2021., after expiration 6 days after the end of hydraulic tests. The persons involved in this non-legal system causing material losses and harm to the health of the consumer of services, является преступный конгломерат с признаками ОПГКиевтеплоэнерго и ОСББ «Клавдиевская 40б», существует такая система благодаря бездействию исполнительной власти региона, including the Central Executive, продолжается и имеет объективно recorded by DHW monitoring date, starting from 20.05.2020.

Economic benefits and losses in case of malfunction of the hot water supply

Explanation of the reasons for the lack of normal hot water supply in the house 40b

  1. The water temperature does not meet the established standards from 50 city ​​to 75 city. With normal hot water supply, the water temperature should be at the entrance to the apartment 62 city, and starting from 49 hail water shouldn't be billed as hot at all.


  1. Rusty water causes lack of proper circulation in hot water pipelines at home, incorrect start of hot water supply after shutdown, non-compliance of pipes with established standards for hot water supply.


  1. With the right design, construction, operation of hot water supply systems, regardless of water intake from water consumption in the house, there is no problem, specified in clause 1, item 2.

Hot water supply system (GVS) - a set of devices, providing the heating of cold water and its distribution among the taps. Системы ГВС subdivided into centralized and local (decentralized).

In centralized systems one heating unit in a boiler room or centralized heating points (CTP) serves hot water to one or several large buildings within a residential area, quarter or village. All centralized DHW systems design with circulation pipelines to provide consumers with hot water, since without them, in the absence of water intake, the water in the supply lines cools down quickly, and the consumer is forced to drain it (bills to the sewer), while losing water and heat. Moreover, heated towel rails are installed in hot water supply systems, which are necessary for drying clothes and heating bathrooms to improve ventilation and cannot work in the absence of circulation.

Circulation pipes and circulation pumps create a continuous movement of water (circulation) closed loop heat exchanger - supply pipe - water tap - circulation pipe - heat exchanger, maintaining the temperature of hot water at the tap 50-75 city. FROM. At this temperature, most disease-causing bacteria, contained in water, dies (pasteurization effect), edible fats, oils and household dirt are well emulsified - they dissolve in water and are washed off with a stream of it when washing dishes and washing clothes.

Supplement to the written

24.09.2020r. I ask a representative of Kievteploenergo to arrive 9:00, 29.09.2020r. to draw up the Act of the absence of hot water, its temperature is up to 27 degrees from 09.05.. по настоящее время. Тел. 1557 №

24.09.2020g.- Time 12:55 tel. 1551 - to whom the appeal No. 0536345 снова записали и обратно направили СРДА № 803854

10.09.2020d - Time 10:35 tel. 1551 – нет горячей воды установленной 50-75 temperature with 09.05.2020, her temperature 27 degrees, addressed –

  1. Hotline 1551 № 0536345 please do not violate part 4, Article 7 of the Law "On citizens' treatment", do not send to Svyatoshinskaya RDA control function is not performed – takes measures to restore order in the territory of its jurisdiction;
  2. The lack of water was reported to the Dispatcher of the Utility Service Tel. 1557:

29.05.2020 Recording – № 4650963;

27.06.2020 Recording – №6472227;

27.07.2020 Recording – №6551755;

04.08.2020 Recording – №6575427;

10.09.2020 Recording – №6679457.

Записи этого обращения №0760610, Audio recording

10.09.2020g., time 09:30, Call to tel. 1557, when hot water appears in apartment 4, houses 40b, set temperature from 500 to 750, no hot water from 09.05., Accepted – Application № 6679457

04.08.2020g., time 15:07, Call to tel. 1557, when hot water appears in apartment 4, houses 40b, set temperature from 500 to 750, no hot water from 09.05., Accepted – Application № 6575427.

30.07.2020r, time 11:06, Call to tel. 1557, when hot water appears in apartment 4, houses 40b, in general and with a set temperature of 500 to 750, no hot water from 09.05., Accepted – Application № 4650963.

28.07.2020g., Time 12:43, tel.1557, when hot water is supplied, for heat point K40b and 40a, answer – served and warmed up to 16:00, you have to understand for a day call?

27.07.2020g., Time call, call 2 14:22, tel.1557, no hot water, Application № 6551755.

29.05.2020 Hot water, Kievteploenergo tel. – 1557, Time call 9:57, APPLICATION № 4650963, tel.: (044) 247 40 40 (multichannel), К / К - call - tel..1557, K / K, 27.06.2020r. again 6472227 - add. contacted the hotline 1551 № 0536345 heading to the SRDA I think they will send to Melnik. 0536345. Recording, everything records on this topic.

28.05.20 In front of. Miller why s 08.05.20, the second day there is no one to turn on the hot water pumps, do mercy, fulfill the condition for the provision of services at an appropriate level.

In front of. Miller! Hot water temperature is set 500 – 750 beginning with 09.05.20 her temperature 250, in addition, it is also rusty. Do mercy, приведи услугу до установленных норм. 28.05.2020r.

Thursday, 28 May 2020 r. 21:35, к40б4кв: In front of. Miller! Hot water temperature is set 50 city – 75hail starting from 09.05.20 her temperature 25 degrees, in addition, it is also rusty. Do mercy, приведи услугу до установленных норм. 28.05.2020

Consider this text a repeated official public appeal to the previous. Miller and the supreme governing body "General meeting of the house OSBB K40".

Thursday 11.05.2020 r. 10:00 К40Б4кв. In front of. Miller! you are not performing the assumed function of controlling the house 40b, for this reason in the house 40B:

  1. Температура горячей води с 28.05.2020г. below 25 degrees. с 10.05.2020г.горячая вода вообще отсутствует.
  2. Вентиляция на нижних этажах дома работает наоборот начиная с 5 floors, the reason is, that there is no normal temperature of towel desiccant, which is installed in the bathroom and the temperature difference in the bath rooms of the house and the outside air of the atmosphere.

The operation of ventilation should be checked once a year by a specialized organization and the issuance of an act on its normal working condition.

  1. Why is not a letter from OSBB K40 written to the Kiev Department of Improvement than the decision of the OSBB meeting dated 04.21.. Protocol 21/4 on the dismantling of the Visetiu A site. D. on which drink alcohol around the clock under the windows of apartment 4. которые круглые сутки реализует Кимлык Т.Д владелец нежилого помещение № 101

Permits to place a site for alcoholics close to the walls of the house under the windows of apt. 4 are issued by the KMDA for a bribe in violation of all legal acts of Ukraine without exception..

  1. I'm not going to explain to sixes before. Miller through whose fault all the problems occur, this is a function of the board, and each separately.

I inform, to the heating point of houses 40A, 40B, combustible water is supplied according to the established norms, at 40a, the hot water temperature is also normal.

There is no hot water at all since Heat Kiev energy supplies water to the heat point of normal temperature, this is confirmed by the normal water temperature after apartment meters in the house 40a.

[ Thursday, 28 May 2020 r. 23:15 ] Anna: If I'm not mistaken, then OSBB is not in any way responsible for heating and supplying hot water. You pay for hot water not OSBB.

And throughout Kiev there was an announcement of planned outages of hot water.

I'm not an ardent defender of Alexander, but mine is when your attacks on him end with or without reason?

The appeal was sent to Melnik, no need for comments.

[ Thursday, 28 May 2020 r. 23:33 ] Anna: Then write to him in private messages! Don't clutter up the chat!

The chat is named OSBB 40b, when it has the name Anna, I will not write


Примечание связанные с услугой ГВС

Recording in search of putting things in order for the DHW service in Kiev



Услуг по управлению, содержанием домом и придомовой территориейNatural gas supplyElectricity supply

Поставка тепловой энергии
Hot water supply
Cold water supply
Услуг по централизованному водоотводу

Услуг по обращению с бытовыми отходами