On the implementation of the right to vote


About implementation suffrage citizens of the state through the Automated State Management Terminal – TAUG, established in MKD – Apartment building and other officially established places (as an exception)

. Type pins It is not the one who votes who wins the election, and the one who counts the votes – belong to the head of state of the USSR, который находился во главе государства с 1924 by 1953 years. – I.V.. Stalin –
. The elections will be irrevocably won by those who voteначиная со дня их проведеня через Terminal automated state controlTAUG, in which candidates who have passed medical and professional testing by the TAUG testing subsystem have the right to be elected. . Выборы через ТАУГ проводятся на первичном уровне самоуправления народа в МКД (or official places in which TAUG installed (in exclusively officially established cases)) on a large scale of time sufficient for citizens to exercise the right to vote, а также права проверки – of your choice, в любое время после офицтального прзнания подсчета голосов подсистемой ТАУГ, после этих условий выборы признаются оконченными. During elections, population census, referendums are held in virtual mode with complete exclusion of the possibility of material, administrative resource, искажений. Они проводятся с минимальными затратами, значительной экономией затрат времени и фнансовх ресурсов, позволяют в реальном маштабе времени conduct not only elections and population census, но и референдумы admin.chaesv


Election of the President of the State

  1. Официальная страница действующего Президента государства – Information is generated in the office of the President under his control and transmitted automatically through closed communication channels to all terminals of the MKD NGO, является основным источником достоверной информации для народа НГО. (Не предоставляется доступ для просмотра не день объявления выборов и до дня их официального окончания).
  2. Официальный бюллетень кандидатов в Президенты государства на дату текущих выборов – Information is generated by the Central Election Commission after automated testing of TAUG candidates for medical and professional suitability and registration of all necessary procedures established for elected candidates, transmitted automatically via closed communication channels to all terminals of the MKD NGO, this applies to all candidates, without exception, elected to all power structures of NGOs with the difference in the transfer of information for the structure in which the elections take place. (Access is not limited by time)
