

01-31-days of the month from 1 by 31 number, 08 – month of August, 2024 -year, FM -Financial monitoring, 226 -Код -Управление домом и придомовой территорией, sew – финансовый закрепленные и выполненные объемы, i4 – Квартира номер 4, h40-2 – Дом 40б, g35 – Улица Клавдиевская, f8Svyatoshinsky district, c26 – г. Kiev (with the status of a regional unit.), b168State of Ukraine, a1Planet Earth

1a 2b 3c 4d 5e 6f 7g 8h 9i 10j 11k 12l
Нименование The code ∑ social.pom/ Нименование The code ∑ social.pom/
n/p public services benefits per sq. n/p public services benefits per sq.
1 Electrical supply. energy 221-SEE 7 Thermal energy supply 225-STE
2 Supply of natures. gas 222-LNG 8 Management. home and surrounding area. 226-UDP
3 Schedule. natural gas 022-TPG 9 For subscription services for storage facilities 003-AHV
4 Cold water supply 223-ЭХВ 10 For subscriber services OGV 003-AOG
5 Supply of hot water 023-OGV 11 За абонентское обслуживание СГВ 004-AGV
6 Supply of hot water 224-SGV 12 For subscriber services STE 005-AET
Total ∑ social benefits/benefits for p2-p12


Utility payment receipt i4h40-2g35f8c26b168
1a 2b 3c 4d 5e 6f 7g 8h 9i 10j
Name Payment for Pokvzaniya sch Price Sum. Note. Inf. PFU
A favor M-ts.Year Current Pre-U.S. Requirement unit units to pay payment according to pl benefit i4
221-SEE 07:24 18763 18700 63 4,32 272,16
222-LNG 07:24 420,000 417,000 3,000 7,96 23,88
022-RPG 07:24 420,000 417,000 3,000 0,384 1,15
223-ЭХВ 07:24 9,000 5,600 3,400 30,384 103,31
023-OGV 07:24 2,600 1,200 1,400 14,220 19,91
224-SGV 07:24 2,600 0,800 1,800 97,89 176,20 M-DHW
225-STE 07:24 0,000 0,000 0,000 1654,00 0,00
226-UDP 07:24 38,800 38,000 12,50 475,00 NSE-uzy
004-AOS 07:24 ? 39,19
005-AOS 07:24 ?
006-AOS 07:24 ? 31,70
007-AOS 07:24 ?
Total: 1074,48

Publication author

this was done in order to comply with the numbering of apartments by floors and their communications for the supply of utilities in accordance with the project documentation for building 40b 21 hours


Comments: 0Public: 88Registration: 08-11-2021

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Operation of the house and its systems. Operation of the house and its systems *