

01-30092024-224-СГВ-Мониторинг государственного социального благополучия, hot water supply, kv.4, Houses 40-2, st. Klavdievskaya, Sviatoshyn district, Kiev City, Ukraine


(NASE - independent automated system examination in the TAUG project (in the process of developing the TAUG project – clarifications, recommendations, conclusions))

СГВ отключено 06.08.2024 – 18.09.2024 , уже – days / часов →
44 1029:50
SVG toC 16,0o 34,0o 50o 65o 75o Rev. SEE Off SGV to srd 65o
Days 31 18 0 -18 -18 -18 -6 -17 to norms 50o
∑ UAH ? ? 0 0 0 28:09:00 377:23:00 to cor-la 4,5o
224-SGV with 01-30.09.2024 → 16,0o → Факт. средняя to SGV
34,0o 49,0o → Среднее отклон. GV from norm to FROM
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Date time toafter togv tomn tosn Disable. Sum Actually. tonv
Co Co 50o 65o SVG hours Columns meaning
13.09.2024 23:59:00 25,3 25,3 24,7 39,7 23:59:00 ∑3 25,6
14.09.2024 23:59:00 25,9 25,9 24,1 39,1 23:59:00 ∑4 25,6 23,0
15.09.2024 23:59:00 25,6 25,6 24,4 39,4 23:59:00 ∑5 24,5 22,0
16.09.2024 23:59:00 25,4 25,4 24,6 39,6 23:59:00 ∑6 39,5 19,0
17.09.2024 23:50:00 25,5 25,5 24,5 39,5 23:50:00 ∑грн ? 18,0
18.09.2024 07:19:00 25,6 25,6 24,4 39,4 7:19:00 6,0 18,0
07.09.2024 23:59:00 26,1 26,1 23,9 38,9 23:59:00 ∑3 25,6 17,0
08.09.2024 23:59:00 26,0 26,0 24,0 39,0 23:59:00 ∑4 25,6 17,0
09.09.2024 23:59:00 25,7 25,7 24,3 39,3 23:59:00 ∑5 24,4 18,0
10.09.2024 23:59:00 25,2 25,2 24,8 39,8 23:59:00 ∑6 39,4 19,0
11.09.2024 23:59:00 25,0 25,0 25,0 40,0 23:59:00 ∑грн ? 19,0
12.09.2024 09:34:00 25,5 25,5 24,5 39,5 9:34:00 6,0 20,0
01.09.2024 23:59:00 26,3 26,3 23,7 38,7 23:59:00 ∑3 26,6
02.09.2024 23:59:00 26,2 26,2 23,8 38,8 23:59:00 ∑4 26,6
03.09.2024 23:59:00 26,8 26,8 23,2 38,2 23:59:00 ∑5 23,4 22,0
04.09.2024 23:59:00 27,0 27,0 23,0 38,0 23:59:00 ∑6 38,4 22,0
05.09.2024 23:59:00 26,9 26,9 23,1 38,1 23:59:00 ∑грн ? 24,0
06.09.2024 23:59:00 26,3 26,3 23,7 38,7 23:59:00 6,0 18,0



Publication author

this was done in order to comply with the numbering of apartments by floors and their communications for the supply of utilities in accordance with the project documentation for building 40b 21 hours


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Operation of the house and its systems. Operation of the house and its systems *