


The code, сокращенные названия комунальных услуги
a b c d e
1 The code, Abbreviation. Name of communal. services Units. isier Price, UAH Consumption norm.
2 221-SEE Electric energy supply Kvt 4,32 70+30
3 222-LNG Natural gas supply m3
4 022-RPG Natural gas distribution m3
5 223-ЭХВ Cold water supply m3
6 224-SGV Supply of hot water m3
7 024-OGV- Hot water removal m3
8 225-STE Thermal energy supply Gcal 1654 0,0383 Gcal/m2
9 226-UDP Management of the house and surrounding area.

Hunter link to D9 - (00).03.2025. In detail Tnmr225-224-221-01-31.02.2025, access only from 01.04.2025


Publication author

this was done in order to comply with the numbering of apartments by floors and their communications for the supply of utilities in accordance with the project documentation for building 40b 20 hours


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Operation of the house and its systems. Operation of the house and its systems *